FAQ's and Facts


Universal Mind




Quick NOTE:

We as people have confined our abilities into what you see in the mirror and contaminated that reflection by adding boundaries that we refuse to see beyond.  Most people believe that what we feel is in our heart and all our thoughts come directly from our brain.  Although this may be true for some, it is not intirely true for you.  The heart pumps blood and the brain in your head, although not the originator of your brilliance can both enhance it and paralyze it.  The brain is a most complicated mechanism and it has the ability to enhance and prolong feelings good and bad even after the moments subside.  On the negative side it can help maintain the feelings of anger, frustrations, and fear by using an outdated reward system that feeds those feeling and others, by (*|*) flooding your blood system with peptides which dock onto cells super imposing whatever feeling it was generated to create.  Continuing to exercise your brain in this manner will inevitably destroy your ability to think clearly when it is most dire and possibly create an addiction to a particular feeling.  We must retrain our brain by going through a de-integration process to reduce its control over us, so it can concentrate solely on the host (growing physically, healing, etc.) allowing us to maintain productive conscience thought while reprogramming the subconscious autonomic response system within our host.   If we as people rely only on what we see (in the mirror), as who we are (as many do) then the boundaries you have defined become real, and you will prove it.  In order to become what we potentially can be, the ideas presented in this site (as it comes to life) will separate who you really are from the body you see in the mirror. 


FAQ's and Facts

Symbols you may see and their meaning?

(*|*) When you see this symbol it means that this is a HUGE subject that is either beyond the scope of what we are going to fully explain here or there is no way to easily explain this to someone who is not Aware, and most likely we will not be explaining it in full at that point.  There is so much more to the idea then what is being explained.  Most people aren't prepared for the answer or information because of the boundaries we have created throughout our life.  In our attempt to soften or lower those boundaries and keep your mind open, we will keep it simple for now, the information may be slightly inaccurate or just little piece of a whole story, and/or modified for simplicities sake because you must evolve into the idea before you can possibly understand it.  It will be easier to digest by taking little bites of this huge thought because information overload at this point will hamper the learning curve.  Although this may not be the whole story (Just a little part of it) it will be enough information to get the point in the subject, perhaps just an easier way of looking at it (in the beginning). However, it may be fully explained as this site evolves with you, the words and their meanings begin to change, and you become more consciously prepared.  With this being said, it would be most beneficial to you, to re-read all the previous lessons every time you finish a new lesson.  Things tend to have new meaning as you become more Aware.  With that in mind some things may be restated again later in lessons.

*?* This symbol represents an idea or an example.  Although a point is trying to be made we hope that everyone uses commonsense and no one tries to interpret some hidden meaning and take things to the extreme.  In most cases this is simply an idea suggested to assist you in achieving a goal or a quick thing to note.  These ideas, suggestions, or examples may be slightly exaggerated to get the point across, but will hopefully be obvious and should not have to be interpreted.  Some things require a little common sense. For example: When we teach you how the concept of flying works (because when we bring back the magic, I don't want you to die on your first try), DON"T JUMP OFF A ROOF, BRIDGE, MOUNTAIN to test your understanding, if you can't fly up to that high ledge... the flight down may have dramatic consequences! If that doesn't make sense to you... Please leave this site and don't come back.

What is the Temple?

The Temple is your host (hosting you) and has three major partnerships that surround or work with the energy (we refer to this energy in the beginning as the Soul) that makes us who we are.  The solid (Also known as the body, the temple and host) makes up the Temple shell and is what most people see.  The Aura (see "What is an Aura?") in the beginning has a partnership with the host and one of its responsibilities is keeping the Soul within its boundaries. Finally, the Mind (*|*) is what enables us to bond, call upon and manipulate energies around us and within the Universal Mind. In short the three major partnerships of the Temple work together to extrapolate our energy from the Universal Mind, allowing us to develop as an individual element within the universe.  This individualism allows us to make our own decisions, interpretations and, our own mistakes.  Within the boundaries of our host is our spiritual signature. Depending on your Aura you may allow other energies in to be manipulated (and hopefully you are the one doing the manipulating), you may or may not know this is happening now.  Q: Can you control this? A: Yes you can.  However, if you are calling outside energy in, don't jump in over your head.  An old saying (although crude) makes a good point, "Learn, or you'll burn".   What this means here is, don't intentionally mess with any forces or energy you don't completely understand.  If I just lost you on these last couple of lines, don't worry, you'll understand as you become more in tuned to the energies around you (should you decide to study on).

What is an Aura?

(*|*) An Aura is a spiritual shield that protects the Temple (and the Soul within) from unwanted energies (Bad or Good, Negative or Positive).  It is up to you which energies you attract into your Temple.  An Aura is partly what keeps the energy of your Soul together, which in turn maintains your individualism.  An Aura will be among the most important tools you will learn to consciously manipulate, and in the beginning one of the most important things you will have to monitor as you become more consciously aware. Not to worry, it becomes almost instinctive as you begin feel the connection with the life around you.

What is a Soul?

(*|*) In the beginning when your Temple was in the creative phase, energy was locked within.  This energy is the battery of life and in the beginning we ignorently referrer to this energy as the Soul.  For many it is just a power source with the potential to become a Soul, and then who you really are. The soul resides in the Temple surrounded by a spiritual shield (an Aura).  For the Awakened the Soul holds the power of feeling and is destined to be the controller of the Temple (our host).  It has been referred to as the Heart when you experience feelings of Love or sadness, but in reality these emotions are released from within the Mind and Soul and then interpreted by your host. Which can creating a round robin effect of feelings and sometimes a ride on the emotional rollercoaster.  For humans at evolutionary levels 3 or below, it is all mostly instinctive. This will be a hot topic for later and we will provide more detail within these pages.

What is the IndexOfLife?

There is a segment of energy within the Universal Mind that holds and links all the documentation (simply put), and we refer to this segment of energy as the IndexOfLife.  It holds in it everything that has ever happened "anywhere" and "everywhere", also added to these spiritual scriptures are the thoughts and ideas of "anyone" and "anything" that maintains individual thought, feeling or conscious pattern or simply put “Your Memories”.  It is more organized, less random and more indexed per-say. Within the Universal Mind it is information that is full of life, it is the part we refer to as the IndexOfLife; it is an area we all have in common.  We all share the IndexOfLife.  Without knowing it, we store information in it and retrieve information from it.  Next see "What is the Mind".

What is the Mind?

Do not get the Mind confused with the brain in your host (they are two different things).  Think of it this way for now.  There is some space within the IndexOfLife that each person uses to store everything about his, her or its self.  (*|*) The energy that keeps this information updated and gives you access to the energies within the Universal Mind (i.e.: The IndexOfLife) is called the Mind.  One of the many purposes of the Mind is to record everything that you say, do, think, hear, touch, smell, feel etc. (EVERYTHING).  It also takes commands, looks for answers or excuses (depending on your mind set) and its potential is limited only by ignorance.

Are you Aware?

Awareness is a mental understanding, it is the bond you have with the IndexOfLife, it is the relationship you have with the Universal Mind, a higher state of consciousness in a non-meditative state, and it is the recognition of your true self. You may not see things happen, but you feel them.  Awareness is only the beginning, but a necessary first step in the Awakening process.  As you become more Aware these word will become an Energy Trigger and assist in your connection to the Universal Mind as you read.  These words will then come to life as they link you to databases of knowledge within the IndexOfLife.


You may be overwhelmed at first… Actually… prepare yourself to be overwhelmed. That's what this site aims to do for you, help you become Aware, by starting and guiding you through the Awakening process.    Do you know: who you really are, what you really are, what our purpose is and where we go after the Temple expires or if the temple really has to expire?  Have you ever wondered if there was something more to life than the reality that humanity has created for us?  Did you ever see a psychic (or hear of one) and wondered how they did it or if it was true?  Can you pick up thoughts, ideas, and feelings from other people, if so have you just accepted it as a gift or a curse or did you wonder why or how?   Do you have any questions that no one seems to be able to answer?

We will answer a lot of the Why’s and the How’s here and most likely a few other questions you have as well.  However all the answers to any question are in the IndexOfLife within the Universal Mind.   To become Aware you must learn the existence of the Universal Mind (Are you Aware?) and then you must learn to consciously access the IndexOfLife, which is what we aim to do and on some levels if you are feeling the energy of these words, you are unconsciously accessing it now.



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