

Universal Mind




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The information and exercises that you read in these first few lessons will begin to evolve some important topics mentioned previously.  This is really the starting point of some very important changes that you will need to become aware of, and comfortable with before you should allow yourself to continue your studies through other (more intense) lessons.   Always review pages, "FAQ's", "Meditations Techniques" and all previous lessons again, prior to reading the next lesson.  Past questions have evolved the way we have orginized this information and future questions could result in some changes or addtions to areas you may have already read. We will also start updating FAQ as we go. Definitly check that regularly, this may assist you in some of the topics with new special symbols that may show up in this site, as it evolves.  The one thing you can be sure of is the definitions and your understanding of those definitions will change.


 We as people have confined our abilities into what we see in the mirror, we have been trained from birth that image is everything. Going through school, if you were not wearing the right cloths or your hair was outside the norm someone would point it out. This is programming on the instinctive level, your subconscious mind records this input both external and internal (internal being how you feel about it). Were you the bully or the one that got bullied or were you the one that watched the event from the side lines or did you participate either verbally or physically, did you pick a side? After the fact you can replay the event in your minds-eye and make up what you should have done, but that does not matter. Once you go to sleep your subconscious mind will play through scenarios that rotate around that feeling and your actions. It is those actions that will be the prime factors used to generate new instinctive responses and they will be written into your character profile. For most humans this is how they are programmed if they reside in the first 3 levels of the internal evolution. The energy within does not start the Awakening process until you step over that line to 3.1. We will talk a little about this below, but will break this down in more detail in a chapter called “The Awakening”. 


You begin to realize the importance of learning how to control those instincts, because not controlling them is basically allowing your host to take charge and will inevitably destroy your ability to think clearly when your host takes instinctive control, which may not be the action what you want to do. Now you are fighting outside and struggling inside. Pass out and play dead in front of a hungry bear (probably not a good idea).  We must retrain our brain by going through a de-integration process to reduce its instinctive control over us, so our host can concentrate solely on itself (growing physically, healing, etc.). Once that partnership has been developed it will allow us to maintain productive conscience thought while we reprogramming the subconscious autonomic response system to work in a more favoritable way (Make us bigger, faster, stronger while controling the energy around us and emposing it upon that bear, causing its instincts to change direction (You Shall NOT PASS!!!).  (We will talk more about this in later chapters that talk about the Conscious Migration from Host to Soul and Lucid Dreaming Mastery.) If we as people rely only on the image, what we see (in the mirror), as who we are (as many do) then the boundaries we have defined become a real limitation, and you will prove it (Believe it's real, and it is real {to you}).  


In order to become what we potentially can be, this site must separate who we really are from the body we see in the mirror.  We set boundaries because of how we've been brought up through our life. Let's recall a phrase "Seeing is believing", we've all heard that one before and even if you only partially believe it, you have set your boundaries and limited your potential. In order to get the most out of this lesson we will just modify this phrase slightly and move those boundaries further out.  Your new phrase is "Feeling is believing", also keep in mind that we are not just talking from a physical standpoint; we want to get deeper than that.

   Q: Do we have any boundaries? A: Yes and No.  Our Soul resides in the boundaries of the Temple and this enables us to be different from everyone else.  Segregation of our energy (our Soul) from the energy in the rest of the universe, in the beginning this is good.  The Temple (in embryo state) scoops a little bit of energy from the Universal Mind as a glass could scoop some water from a stream.  The glass then hosts the water as our Temple hosts us (the Soul).  This segregation from the Universal Mind allows us to develop as an individual element within it, and it also allows us to develop a more personal understanding, an identity, and individual awareness.  The boundaries of the Temple are temporary and are in existence until the Temple expires or the Soul Awakens.  Some boundaries are good (and different from person to person), there are boundaries (or borders) that separate (the perceptions of) Good from Bad and though they perceptually exist, they can be traversed.  This holds true for the Soul in the Temple.  (*|*) Our Mind is the bridge between our Soul and the Universal Mind, the only boundaries it has are the ones we set.

  One of the most powerful words ever created is one letter in length. The word is "I".  With this word, we continuously set boundaries with phrases like "I can't", this limits our abilities to perform and could hurt your existence within the Temple by giving the subconscious mind reasons to take instinctive control, and ignorance is no excuse.  The word "I" represents your total being, and a powerful command that your Mind takes seriously. Your Mind is a resource whose only goal is to assist in your success by the power of pure suggestive feeling.  If you say, "I can’t" your Mind will be out to prove you right and will assist you in generating every excuse or example possible of why you can’t.  In doing so it has assisted you in your successful venture of "I can’t" and proved you right. The boundaries you have set are focused on the fact that "you can’t".  Your Mind will not help you overcome this obstacle or lead you to a solution because you have already commanded "I can’t". Your mind is not aware of a solution nor will it look for one.  In fact it will take it one step further in order to make you a total success by passing data on to the subconscious part of the brain in your host which will begin to modify your host instinctive responces according to your thoughts and perceptions about yourself. 

Your Soul emanates feeling to the (*|*) Mind and if you say "I can’t" you have given it (your Mind) an order and your Mind will ignore those feelings.  However if you have that "I can’t" feeling deep within, instead of saying the words "I can’t" (or I’m afraid etc.) say, "I am aware".  This command is wide open, your Mind will immediately reference the feelings emanating from within your Soul and will do everything to assist you in being aware of every possible angle of the current feeling or situation.  Including what to say or do and how to overcome, conquer, eliminate, and outwit.  This causes all the boundaries to be so far out, the possibilities and answers are limitless.  Boundaries are created mostly out of ignorance for ego defense and gives you the ability to justify things that you would normally question.  Boundaries created by humanity are a limited reality; we will expand on it and show you that our (your) reality is so much more then what it appears to be.  If this is too much for you, then take a smaller step i.e.: instead of saying "I can't" say "Maybe I can" or "What if I can".  This will at least allow your Mind to search for a possible solution or assist you with courage and direction.  Try this and you will not only see a difference but you will feel a difference.  If in fact “feeling is believing” then this will most certainly prove that point.

The Boundaries within the Universal Mind are so far and few between that you may never see one (if you don't create one).  However there are borders that divide up the Universal Mind and some (perceptually) dark areas that I would suggest you not look for, but (for the most part) there are no boundaries stopping you from crossing any borders.

The point here is that the only way to cross boundaries is not to create them.  Be consciously aware of the commands that you give your Mind, because ignorance is not bliss, it is potentially hazardous.  You cannot cross a boundary that you create, the only way to eliminate a boundary is to know it is there, and the only way you will ever know is if you are Aware.

Q: How do I become Aware? Hopefully if you have read to this point it is because you already started the process. The soul (with a little s) starts off as power source for the host. And then the host may go through some the evolutionary steps that may end up causing the soul to awaken. Let us talk briefly about that. Keep in mind that not everyone starts at step one.

    Internal Human Evolution:

  • Level 1: Mental state Animal (Instinctive) Living in an Animal (Instinctive) State. This state is survival, they have a “Alpha? Not Alpha” type of thinking. They do not understand right or wrong, but they understand discipline. Jail is a form of discipline. They are not afraid of the law, but they will submit to the power behind the idea. Most times they have a hard time controlling their tempers.
  • Level 2: Mental state Animal (Instinctive) Living in a Human area of existance (Surrounded and being influenced by life in society). Like level 1, but with a little motivation to fit in. When they walk down the street and people pass them, they feel like they are fitting in. They are starting to look a styles and stuff as interesting and maybe something they would like. They start to look at themselves in the mirror with thoughts of becoming better.
  • Level 3: Mental state Human (Partially Conscious able to empathize) Living in a Human area of existence (Some conscious influence with Animal or instinctive flare). Humans with ideas and status within a community. Understand the Social-core and what it takes to blend in or stand out. They want to look better than their peers and continuously compare themselves with what they perceive is a lower or equal class. Example: "We are so much better than those people." and "Remember that person from school, they are this or that". Their dreams rotate around how they want to be perceived by society and the "Social Core" They watch the commercials and dream about getting the latest in something. And thrive on Stuff, Status, and love to make it look like they are doing Awesomely. But can get angry and stress out allowing instincts to prevail often as they all fall into a routine of doing the same thing today, they did yesterday. Complaining but rarely questioning.
  • Level 3.1: Mental state Human (Conscious and Questioning Life, Death, Purpose, wondering about God) Feeling more outside yourself as if you were kind of living a duality (not caring about what people think anymore). The Awakening begins when a little bit of that energy within, the soul (with a little 's') reaches up like a child seeing something shiny for the first time. The soul sees something shinny too, but this shiny thing is the conscious mind. Once it touches it... It becomes a Soul (with a big 'S') and you now have a fight on your hands as you begin to be spit in two. The host will not submit without a fight and the Soul cannot go back to being what it was (A battery for the Host). This duality drives many insane and posibly to suicide because most do not understand what is going on. What is worse, 3.1'ers cannot talk to a 3.0 or below about it, they are incapable of understanding. You have just taken a first step away from being human.

This is the kind of question you have to ask yourself, because only you can answer it.

The Temple:

Your Soul is energy wrapped up in a neat little package called the Temple (See FAQ's: What is a Temple).  In the beginning stages, the Temple (our host) holds your soul energy (you), and the Aura (in partnership with the Temple) keeps it separated from other energy within the Universal Mind.  What the Temple actually is for some: (this may be a little too much information for some) the Temple is like an eggshell around the Soul.  It gives a little bit of energy a chance to become aware.  This energy is your Soul (you), and with it you are allowed to grow as an individual element within the Universal Mind.  We (You and I) are a “Spiritual Embryo”, incubating within a Temple that allows us to experience individual thought.  This gives you a chance to learn who you really are, where we come from and the choice to consciously Plug back into it.  Q: Where do you go when you hatch from the egg referred to as the Temple?  The problem with the answer is: most people don't know who they really are.  You are given the lifetime of the Temple to find out “who you are”, and if you don't figure it out? Hmmm? But if you do figure it out? HMMM?
Why did I say: “What the Temple actually is for some”? …  Because unlike an eggshell, our temple has the ability to evolve too and we are a controlling factor in its evolutionary path.

The things to learn and understand are:

  1. What you see is not always what you get.
  2. What you get is not always what you see.
  3. What's in the mirror is not who you are (it's an egg shell or a vehicle, also referred to as your host).
  4. Duality is no longer a philosophical hypothesis.  It is a fact that the subconscious part of your brain operates on its own accord, based on information it attempts to interpret, partially based (in the beginning) on your own conscious perceptions and partially based on a critical analysis done while dreaming or in a dream like state which is now referred to as “Environmental Hypnosis”.  If you don’t attempt to consciously reprogram its autonomic system, it will automatically attempt to program you, in which case your perceptions are a preprogrammed response based on past situations previously perceptualized and interpreted by the subconscious part of the brain in your host.  This is why you feel different, why you have been searching for answers, this is why so many friends will never really know you, and this is why you are reading this now.  Your soul has begun to awaken and your consciousness (unlike theirs) is migrating from your host out from under subconscious control, to your soul.  This process is referred to as de-integration and this is the first step that will take you through a few perceptual evolutionary phases.
  5. Most of your Friends are: Human Beings living Human Experiences (or below)
  6. You are taking your first steps over that line: A Human Being having a Spiritual Experience. Your Duality is the first step away from only human. and your first step towards the new empowering connections of life.
  7. Moving towards: Spiritual Being having a Human Experience
  8. Maybe Furthering to: Spiritual Being having a Spiritual Experience
  9. Awaken!

   You may have hear somthing along these lines before, but the full perspective understanding The Temple also has boundaries set by nature, but we set most boundaries prematurely, by what we say and believe.  The Temple has the ability to give life a chance to become Aware, we set the physical boundaries such as, what we see in the mirror is who we are, maybe we think ourselves into old age and death becomes imminent and accepted because of a weakened state of being.  The Temple is made up of three major partnerships (See FAQ's: What is a Temple), yet most people only see one part.  The solid or the body you see in the mirror.  Human feelings are bound to the host (the body), and that's as real as it gets, seeing really is believing for them. Their connection the Universal Mind weakens as they fail to acknowledge LIFE, they misinterpret their perpose as their host weakens, this is all they feel.  At a certain point some are no longer capable of evolving because their subconscious mind has assumed most of the control over consciousness.   Most everyone refers to the soul as a third person (it is intentional disinformation to disrupt human Awakening), you must think of the host (body) as a third person.  You must feel yourself from within, because the Soul is whom you are becoming and the host must accept you as its leader!  Awaken! 

As you become Aware, your body (your host) will feel the tremors as the Soul (you) emanates energies from within and links to energies outside.  This is a start, but it is a backward way of thinking.   As the Temple ages, the Soul should become STRONGER and WISER, not weaker.  In order to really feel, you have to know who you really are.   Your job in life is to become Aware, and keep the Temple healthy for as long as physically possible (possibly evolving it too), to learn and understand everything you can, and then share that information within the IndexOfLife of the Universal Mind.

*?* Under no circumstances can you self-terminate your Temple, the longer the Temple exists the stronger the Soul.  Break an egg before it's ready to hatch and what do you get?

The Mind:

The Mind is our outer self, a piece of the soul that (*|*) resides outside the Temple.  It reserves space within the IndexOfLife.  This space is sometimes referred to as Your Memory.  Within its ever growing borders are stored everything that has ever happened in our lifetime down to even the most minor of details, to include the thoughts, ideas, peripheral vision, smells, etc.  The Mind is in some ways conscious, it maintains current thought and obeys orders even if it was only suggested or implied.  It has no sense of humor and takes everything literally.  Point: be careful of what you say, don't get Hung by the Tongue (A great book written by Francis P. Martin).

The Mind (like everything else) if we don't use it, it gets lazy.  Think of our reserved space within the IndexOfLife as a huge information storage warehouse.  In the beginning everything is organized and as we expand and put more information on the shelves, we push the stuff in front back as we slide something new in front of it (and so on...).  All the current information is in front and who knows what's behind it anymore.  It's has been so long since we have accessed some of that old information, it could be anywhere.  So, we check our storage records and they tell us the location of the information we are looking for.  But on that shelf, we see boxes that go back for miles, thought? "If it's not out in the front it's not that important".  Our mind operates much the same way.  Unless specifically told to look through everything and keep looking until it's found, our mind will just look at whatever is out in front and (just like a child) will come back and tell us "I can't find it".  This is why some people remember things better than others.  It’s time for an upgrade.

We must Organize and Exercise our Mind:

We must continue to organize and exercise our Mind, and one of the ways to do this is through Meditation and Energy Triggers.  Until we exercise our Mind and gain at least an understanding of its potential, not only will we NOT be able to organize it (i.e.: our reserved space within the IndexOfLife or as in our previous example, "our information storage warehouse"), but we also won't be able to secure it.  There are people that know how to walk into an unprotected/unlocked "warehouse", look at all the current information and follow an information link from one "warehouse" to another.  What makes a Psychic special is their library card that gives them access to all the information within the IndexOfLife of the Universal Mind.  One goal here is to give you a library card, another goal is to show you how to use it and (if you already have one) most importantly, the understanding of how/why it works.


The Mind has a direct relationship with the IndexOfLife and the Universal Mind that few people understand, let alone know how to take advantage of it.  The Mind is always communicating with and storing information in the IndexOfLife, and it is not restricted to your reserved space within.  Every time we come up with an idea, our Mind can be doing many things like: referencing your past experiences, following an information link to other ideas similar to ours in other areas within the IndexOfLife, and storing the information found.  But most of us don't require this from our mind or exercise it in this manor and so we continue to wonder "hmm".  This brings us to another way to exercise our Mind, and one of the most important points to know and learn is to:  1) Listen from within…

Want to learn more:

The Universal Mind is what this site is all about.  The things that you will learn here have either been forgotten or forbidden and even if only a fragment of the information was found it was hidden away.  The knowledge contained in this site will inform or lead you to sacred information that has been lost or has been kept a secret for centuries upon centuries.  Until the creation of this site in the format of these series of lessons to follow the text you read will have life-like quality potential. The information herein has never been bundle in a series with such an easy to understand perspective and with such a broken down understanding of a birthright long taken away by those who lead behind the scenes of the secret societies today.  This being one of the key reasons we have only posted little tidbits of information within the scrolls across the internet and bulletin boards over the last 25ish years, under various aliases.

There was a story told throughout the existence of man, and overtime it has been distorted, and ad-libbed, and rewritten.   Although the story told now is different from person to person and church to church, they all have one thing in common, "The Time Is Near".   It is now time to become "Aware".  Are you Aware? Do you want the answers? It won't be easy, it’s a life pledge, defining and personal.  Definitions will change as you become more Aware and begin the Awakening process, you may have already witness this fact yourself.  As you consciously evolve your relationship to the Universal Mind your connection to it will become stronger and more consistent during your normal non-meditated state.

  Please be sure that you are comfortable with what you have learned so far before allowing yourself to go further through the lessons.  Some of the answers you will have to retrieve from within the Universal Mind. Which means internalizing, contemplating and incorporating your own thoughts and ideas into and around the information both read and felt.   Learning and understanding the current information is vital so don't feel you have to rush through it.  At this point you should begin feeling slight vibrations within.  Your Mind is swimming in new information and will be attempting a stronger connection to the IndexOfLife, spawning even more thoughts as you think about what you have been reading.  Stop periodically to analyze these thoughts and ideas your Mind is returning to you, and you will notice very quickly how your understanding begins to expand to new levels.  This is also the start of reprogramming the Subconscious Part of your brain as we also attempt to evolve your host to match the vibration of its Immortal Leader.  Awaken the Soul… (It is beginning and by now, you can feel it). If you read everything here make sure you let me know when you join my private group, I have only just dicided put it together, nothing is happening yet but I will want you there when we start. Put your mouse over these words and it will take you to facebook group page, they do not look like a link on purpose. The rest is still under construction and will be coming this way shortly, come back soon.



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